Paintings from the #RV5404
In 2015 Lia installed her studio in an RV (Re_Creational vehicle: a thing used to express, embody, or fulfill something) where she created a series of work on newsprint paper non acid free and recycled canvas from 11 Street Workshop with India and walnut ink, charcoal, flat paint, time, oil, noise while moving from street to street.
Histories Listening, Mate, Paintbrushes, Surrendering, Street, Oil Painting, Toxicity, Oval Evolving, Morgan Ave, Heat,
From left top to right down: Oval, Light Alone, Transparent (Private Collection), One. From book➄, Sumi ink and wash flat and acrylic paint on raw newsprint paper, 18 by 24in. 2015
Sketchbook, Charcoal, Energy, Music, Satsang, Palo Santo
Paint as a meditation practice, hours on the phone, color mixing, laughing, appointments, bottles of colors, coloring, posting and posting, flyers
From books ➃ and ➄ 2016-2019
Recyclable Canvas from 11 Street Workshop, Water, Kids, Newsprint Paper, Repealing Materials, Thoughts, Incense, Prince Death, Love, Days, Hours,